Stuff To Read

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

100 Rifters

If you've been involved in PvP much you were probably given a bit of advice when you first started.  Grab as many T1 frigs as you can afford and go out to low or null and lose them.  As you lose them, you'll gain lots of experience and improve your abilities more effectively than any other thing you can do.  We all suck when we start, and some of us still suck (cough-me-cough), so this is a great way to improve.  I never did it myself,  though I wasn't shy about trying to find fights when I first started, I was (and still am) a little too cautious when I'm out PvPing.  My ship and tactic knowledge is limited at best as well, though I have improved exponentially since I've joined Agony.

So that brings me to my Rifters.  I recently just bought 100 of them with the requisite fittings, and I'm going out to lose them.  I've been pretty isk poor for a while so buying anything more powerful just isn't feasible right now. I'm not going to use them for fleet action, this is all for my solo work.  I won't care about KB stats, I won't care about losing them (though I won't be stupid in my engagements), all I'll care about is getting myself into good fights that I can learn from.  If I have a chance at killing something I'll go for it, period.  All frigates, T1 Destroyers, and T1 cruisers will probably be the main ships I engage, though I might try killing other things as well if I'm feeling adventurous.

Like I said, this is a learning experience.  I will be trying to win every fight of course, but realistically I'll lose most of them.  When I'm fresh out of Rifters, I expect my knowledge and ability in solo PvP to be greatly improved.  This will probably take a couple months to finish completely because my playtime probably won't allow me to do it any sooner than that.  I'll let you know how it goes.

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